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JAISHOP’s top 5 popular rings’ shapes

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JAISHOP’s top 5 popular rings’ shapes

Different rings’ shapes have different properties. Ms. JAI teaches you to select rings which fit your fingers best!

1 Most versatile - Blade Shank

Gold ring setting narrows down to the middle gradually, turning all fingers to look slender which suits everybody. No matter presenting it as a gift for friends or yourself, even as an engagement ring, you won’t be disappointed.


2 Completely Clawless - Bezel Set Shank

The ring uses the gold to stabilize a set of diamonds. It’s elegant, light and not tacky. It won’t hook your sweater in Winter too.

3 Luxury Half Shank Diamond

This is a luxurious type, fully embedded with diamonds in a Gold ring. Basically, the more details on the main part of the ring, the more details will be added to the side of the ring to balance it.


4 Braid-Twisted Shank

This ring twisted the gold to a special pattern, presenting the user as lovely and playful. It’s suitable for daily wear.

5 Sword Back Shank

It’s made of gold with edges bulged in the middle. Unlike the normal curve rings, it looks tougher. 

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